Job Vacancy

Let’s join with our teams!

SPV Training & GA

Sep,22 2023 | Labor Supply


Position Type :
Full Time

Position Level :

Background Education :

Min. Experiences :
2 Years

Location :
Head Office, East Jakarta.


  • Man
  • Max age. 45 yrs
  • Education min. D III
  • Experienced in the relevant field min. 2 yrs
  • Have good time management
  • Able to communicate effectively
  • Have leadership abilities
  • Can work independently or with a team
  • Honest, persistent and disciplined
  • Have high loyalty


  • Proposing training programs, starting from making annual training plans, controlling the training implementation and budgeting process, up to evaluating training results based on departmental proposals, training matrices, Job Descriptions or according to Company Leadership policy in order to prepare employees who have the abilities or expertise in accordance with Company wishes
  • Ensure that all activities/work in the General Affair (GA) environment, both external and internal, run well, are scheduled and controlled to avoid/minimize complaints and ensure that these activities/work are able to support/support the activities of each department.

Let's talk through it.

Do you have questions on how we can support and implement your business process ?

Talk to us.

We’ve been there.

PT. Dharma Karyatama Mulia

Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 29, Gandaria
Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13710
Tlp : 021-8719964 – 65
Fax : 021-8727018

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