About Us

PT. Dharma Karyatama Mulia

PT. Dharma Karyatama Mulia (DKM) is a company operating in the Service Management sector which has implemented the ISO 9001:2015 and SMK3 quality management system, supported by employees who are professional in their fields in carrying out a comprehensive and comprehensive business concept so that they can provide optimal service to the customers.

Our Background

PT. Dharma Karyatama Mulia (DKM) was founded on January 14 1997 as a company operating in the Service Management sector.

Our goal and commitment is to provide optimal service to customers, and continue to strive to build long-term working relationships with satisfactory quality.

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We have a lot of experience in carry out the man power needs, from the initiation to the Project being used by the Customer Properly.

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We’ve been there.

PT. Dharma Karyatama Mulia

Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 29, Gandaria
Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13710
Tlp : 021-8719964 – 65
Fax : 021-8727018

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