Trading Tools & Parts Services


Tools and Parts are closely related to the industrial world, although they are not the main tools in carrying out a production process, but Tools and Parts have their own role in supporting the continuity of a production process in industries.

Armed with experience in the industrial sector, this division can support various types of production needs such as:

Parts : Injection Products, Metal Products, Rubber Products
Tools : General Engineering Production supporting products


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We have a lot of experience in carry out the man power needs, from the initiation to the Project being used by the Customer Properly.

Let's talk through it.

Do you have questions on how we can support and implement your business process ?

Talk to us.

We’ve been there.

PT. Dharma Karyatama Mulia

Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 29, Gandaria
Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13710
Tlp : 021-8719964 – 65
Fax : 021-8727018

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