Candidates Registration

Let’s join with our teams!

Registration Form

Thank you for your enthusiasm in registering as a applicant of PT.  Dharma Karyatama Mulia. We are a company operating in the services and trading sector with locations throughout Indonesia. Our Head Office is in Pekayon, Pasar Rebo – East Jakarta. We have various business fields including Labor Supply, Security, Housekeeping, Car Rental, Construction, Assembling, Machining, Trading Tools & Parts. More complete information can be accessed via our official website at

Please fill in the following form completely to register applicants. Use capital letters (upper letters) when filling in it. We will contact candidates who match the user’s initial qualifications no later than 1 week after this form is filled in. However, candidates who do not match the user’s initial qualifications will be included in our database, and we will contact you if there is a request from a new user who is more suitable at a later date.

There are no administration fees in this recruitment process. If there are irresponsible individuals acting on behalf of PT. DKM please report with proof to WhatsApp number : 0877 5503 6580.

Please fill in the form below to register for job vacancies

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Candidates name
Contact number
Marital Status
Background Education
Address domicile 1
Address domicile 2
What type of job do you want to apply for ?
In which location are you willing to be placed ?
Are you still continuing your education ?
Are you willing to become a backup staff ?
Are you currently still working ?
Are you ready for deployment at any time ?
Have you had the vaccine ?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Let's talk through it.

Do you have questions on how we can support and implement your business process ?

Talk to us.

We’ve been there.

PT. Dharma Karyatama Mulia

Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 29, Gandaria
Pasar Rebo, Jakarta 13710
Tlp : 021-8719964 – 65
Fax : 021-8727018

Send Us Email !

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